Environment in Michaela Sixth Form, Wembley

“At Michaela6th, you are surrounded by intellectuals. This means I am constantly learning outside lessons as well as inside. I am lucky to be surrounded by teachers who have been to Russell Group universities and have the experience to guide me on the same path. It is because of my teachers and the environment that I have the confidence to apply this year to Oxford to study PPE.” – Joseph, Y13

Michaela offers a unique learning environment which propels students to the best universities. We are a small Sixth Form, with a strong spirit of family and community, which allows our teachers and leaders to get to know students very well – their ambitions, their plans and their areas for development. There is a ratio of 3 students for every teacher in the sixth form and our average class size is 8, allowing for one-to-one support for every student.

We have a dedicated Sixth Form space, the Common Room, which serves as a base for independent study and socialising during the school day. While in school, students will be in lessons or undertaking independent study in our Sixth Form Common Room.

Sixth Form Enviroment

Students have lunch off-site or in Socrateas, the Common Room café offering a wide range of options. Our Common Room has plenty of space with sofas for students to relax, and dedicated study space for independent work. Students are encouraged to untilise Michaela6th’s subscriptions to leading academic and current affairs journals available in the Common Room. There is also a section of the library dedicated to further reading in all A Level subjects specifically chosen by teachers for university preparation. This section also includes university prospectuses and course guides, as well as a range of general interest texts.

At Michaela we expect the staff and students to dress in a professional manner. The dress code for the Sixth Form is business wear.